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Sustainability and Animal Welfare: Building Transparency Within Your Protein Category

August 19, 2019

Consumer purchase drivers are shifting and impacting how people define value. What once was a formula of quality, price, and convenience has expanded to include wellness, experience, and social impact. Now, guests are demanding transparency and the story behind where their food comes from. In protein, guests are increasingly demanding visibility that starts back at the farms and focuses on how the animal was raised.

Although animal raising practices and responsible sourcing are important across all consumer groups, Millennials see more impact in driving societal changes with their dollars and purchases, than their voting ballots*. This shift presents a unique opportunity for foodservice operators to connect with a younger demographic and the next generation protein consumer.

In this webinar from October 2018, Dr. Thomas Parsons from University of Pennsylvania’s School of Veterinary Medicine and Robert “Bob” Ruth, SVP at Clemens Food Group and a Farm Promise brand thought leader, will dive into the world of animal welfare, unlocking key points of differentiation in protein sourcing and questions you should be asking while making your protein decisions.

Join us to:

  • Stay ahead of the conversation of new consumer demands in animal welfare
  • Learn about industry leading farming practices that make sustainable sourcing possible
  • And learn about how brands like Farm Promise® are offering solutions that will help you accelerate your business

*The Hartman Group Sustainability Study 2017

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